

Best Answer

Triacontatetragon. Most mathematicians would call it a "34-gon."

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Q: What is a 34 sided 3 dimensional shape called?
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What is a 34 sided shape called?


What is a 34 sided 3D shape?

It is called Triacontakaitetrahedron.

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A square is a 2-dimensional shape whose sides are the same length. You, therefore, cannot have a square that is 34 x 21.

What is a 34 -sided polygon called?

It's quite acceptable to call it a 34-agon but what's more important is knowing how to work out its properties

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The answer depends on the shape. If the shape is like a pyramid, it will have one 48-sided polygon and 48 triangular faces: making 49 faces in all. If the shape is like a pyramid, it will have two 32-sided polygons as bases and 32 rectangular faces: making 34 faces in all. There are many more possibilities.

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