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Q: What is a 38 baby?
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When is a baby considered a baby?

It's not called a baby until week 38 of pregnancy or when it's born (even if it's before week 38).

How old was michael jackson when he had his first baby?

Michel Jackson was 38 when he had his first baby.

Does it hurt your baby when you get hit in the stomach at 38 weeks?

yes it does

What are the release dates for Big Town - 1950 Baby Sitter 2-38?

Big Town - 1950 Baby Sitter 2-38 was released on: USA: 12 June 1952

What are the release dates for Peter Gunn - 1958 Baby Shoes 2-38?

Peter Gunn - 1958 Baby Shoes 2-38 was released on: USA: 27 June 1960

How much do baby walruses weight?

usually about 38 to 50 pounds

What are the release dates for Bringing Home Baby - 2005 Mamie's Grandbaby 1-38?

Bringing Home Baby - 2005 Mamie's Grandbaby 1-38 was released on: USA: 19 October 2005

What month is the baby fully developed?

By week 38 usually. It's from that week you can expect to go into labor, from week 38-40.

What is the baby called once it can be recongnized as being a human baby?

It's called a fetus up to week 38 and after that a baby. After birth, no matter when it happens, it's called a baby or infant.

Is it possible to deliver the baby at 38 weeks?

Yes, that's fine. There are no problems with that

You are 38 weeks pregnant and it feels like your baby is blowing bubbles in your uterus so what could be going on in there?

your baby probably has hiccups

When does the baby actually alive?

It's not called a baby until week 38 of pregnancy or when it's born (even if it's before week 38). Medically it's not considered alive as in positive pregnancy until the egg is attached and you are actually pregnant.