Length x width x depth is the 3D measurement of a cuboid figure (one example is a shoe box).
The first is a two dimensional concept, the second is 3-dimensional.
None.CC = cubic centimeter, a 3-dimensional unit of measurement.KM = kilometer, a 2-dimensional unit of measurement.
Length and volume are not equivalent measurements. Length is a two dimensional measurement while volume is a three dimensional measurement.
Dimensional analysis
Length is a one dimensional measurement of an object, and volume is a three-dimensional measurement of an object - its length times its height times its width.
volume is a measurement of capacity, 3 dimensional. depth is a measurement of length, 2 dimensional.
The first is a two dimensional concept, the second is 3-dimensional.
Length is the measurement of a one-dimensional quantity. Area is the measurement of a two-dimensional quantity. Volume is the measurement of a three-dimensional quantity. A solid object that exists only temporarily can be described with four dimensions.
None.CC = cubic centimeter, a 3-dimensional unit of measurement.KM = kilometer, a 2-dimensional unit of measurement.
This measurement is called length.
Volume is a measurement for 3 dimensional objects. A triangle is a 2-dimensional object. The area of a triangle is (base)x(height)/2
No, it is one dimensional. In only has one measurement, length.
Length and volume are not equivalent measurements. Length is a two dimensional measurement while volume is a three dimensional measurement.
none, it is impossible to find a 3 dimensional measurement with only two dimensions
This measurement is called length.
Dimensional analysis
50 Square Feet is an area (two dimensional) measurement and cannot be converted to a linear (one dimensional) measurement.