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A polyhedron.

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Q: What is a 3 dimensional shapes with flat faces?
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What are faces?

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Are faces and bases the same on 3 dimensional shapes?

Bases are faces but faces are not necessarily bases.

How are the shapes alike and different for a cube and a cylinder?

They are alike because they are both 3 dimensional. They are different because the cube has 6 flat faces, but the cylinder has only 2 flat faces and one curved face.

Is a square has one flat face?

It has one flat face if its 2 dimensional. It has 6 flat faces if it is 3 dimensional.

3-dimensional shapes with flat faces?

tetrahedron 4, hexahedron (cube) 6, octohedron (diamond) 8, dodecahedron 12 and icosahedron 20.

Are three-dimensional shapes with faces consisting of polygons Answer?

No. A sphere is a three dimensional shape which has no polygonal faces. Similarly an ellipsoid, a torus, a paraboloid, hyperboloid etc are 3-D shapes with no polygonal faces.

What is the meaning for three dimensional shapes?

You know how 2-dimensional shapes are flat right? Well 3-dimensional means that it can go to and from you also.

What does polyhedra mean?

They are closed 3-dimensional shapes with polygonal faces.

Why are cylinders and cones not considered to be a polyh?

Polyhedra are 3-dimensional shapes bounded by polygons. Polygons are flat [plane] shapes bounded by straight lines. So a polyhedron cannot have any curved faces.

What is the relationship with octahedron and icosahedron?

They are both 3 dimensional shapes with faces that are polygons.

Which 3-D shapes have at least 5 flat faces?


What is the difference between 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes?

3-dimensional is not flat, like a cardboard box, while 2-dimensional shape is flat, like a face of a 3-D shape.e.g, a face of a box.