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Q: What is a 3d shape with 8 faces and the second letter is e and the second to last is e?
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Some six letter words with the second letter U and the last letter E are:auntiebubblebucklebudgiebungleburglebustlebutanecuddlecurarecurdlecuttlefuddlefumblefutilefuturegurgleguzzlehuddlehumanehumblehurdlehurtlehustlejugglejujubejumblejunglejunkielupinelustremuddlemufflemumblemusclemutatemuzzlenuancenubilenuzzleoutagepuddlepumicepurplepursuepuzzlequichequincerubblerufflerumblerumplerustlesubduesubtlesucklesundaesupinesupplesuturetubuletumbleturtletusslevulvaeyuppie

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