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The 4-dimensional analogy of a 3D cube.

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Q: What is a 4D Hypercube?
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What does a hypercube look like?

That cannot be described as it is a 4D object. It can only be defined mathematically.

How do I get he 4D hypercube in stick RPG 2?

from someone in jail. you pay him 10000 dollor's and he give's you it.

What does the inmate do on stick RPG 2?

he asks for 10 thousand dollars and if you gave it to him then you will receive the 4d hypercube he does not do anything nigeria prince give him 10 000 dollars and get a hypercube

Should you give 10 000 to the nigerean price in stick rpg 2?

Yes. He gives you bad karma and the 4D hypercube

How do you get the 4D hypercube in stick RPG 2?

When you go to the police station click the last person in jail and he said if you get him out of jail by paying him 10000$, he would give you half of 63,00,000,0000$ but he gives you the 4-D Hypercube. If you don't want bad karma, go to the Unirversity of Stick (U of S) in the afternoon (From 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.) and talk the yellow stick dude sitting at the chess table. With high intelligence, play him in chess and he gives you the 4D Hypercube.

Where do you get the lab key in stick rpg 2?

You need a Klein bottle, 4D Hypercube, and a Mobius Strip. Then give it to Prof. Ansel in the university on the second island.

What is meant when someone says hypercube?

Hypercube is 4-D objects but, when some say hypercube it means a corner or a right angel which is a 90 degree angel. It can mean make a hypercube turn.

How do you beat stick rpg 2 without going in lab?

You go to the University/U of S (make sure you have the 4D hypercube, klein bottle, and the mobius strip) talk to professor Ansel near the desk in the class room pick the answers that make you give him the items and then after giving him all 3 items he will hand you the lab key :)

Can you break people out of jail in stick rpg 2?

You can, however you need a whole bunch of cash. You can go to the police station at any time, and you speak to the Nigerian Prince. You need $10000 to break him out. You get -25 karma and 4D HyperCube.

The term for a hypercube?


What dimension is a hypercube?


What is a another term for hypercube?

A tesseract