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A "quadruped".

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Q: What is a 4 footed creature called?
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An imaginary creature

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Is blue whale a type of dolphin?

No dolphins had a different evolution from whales. Whales evolved from a footed creature similar to a hippo (no, seriously) and dolphins evolved from a footed creature a lot smaller.

What is a 4 footed animal called?

An animal that has four legs is called a quadruped, quad meaning 4 and ped meaning foot. Similarly, an animal that has two feet are called a biped.

What deos bigfoot do?

Bigfoot is a big-footed creature that attacks people.

What is a 3 footed animal called?

A 4 legged animal with a cut of leg

What is a four footed called?

four footed animals may be called Quadrupeds

A two footed animal?

monkeys, kangaroos.

What are Blue-footed booby predators?

The Blue footed booby has no predators, Unless one gets unluck and an oceanic creature kills it, it has no true predators. (ex. Frogs and Flys)

Do blue footed boobies defend themselves?

The Blue footed booby has no predators, Unless one gets unluck and an oceanic creature kills it, it has no true predators. (ex. Frogs and Flys)

Why is a black-footed ferret called a black-footed ferret?

Black footed ferrets are solitary animals and do not convene in groups. But a group of ferrets as in "domestic ferrets" is called a "business"

What is the scientific name of a platupus?

the name of the platypus comes from a greek word for "flat footed" because of the way this creature walks.