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Q: What is a 5 sided polygon with two right angles?
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What is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides?

A right trapezoid is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides.

What is a four-sided polygon with exactly two right angles?

A right [angled] trapezium.

What is a four-sided polygon with two sets of right angles?

square or rectangle.

Three sided polygon with one right angle and two acute angles?

A right triangle.

What is 3 sided polygon with no two sides congruent?

Providing it has no right angles then it is a scalene triangle.

A four-sided figure with 4 equal sides and no right angles?

A four-sided polygon with all sides equal and no right angles would be a rhombus. A rhombus consists of two acute angles and to obtuse angles.

What is a four-sided polygon with two pairs of parallel sides and four right angles?

That is a rectangle.

What does a five-sided polygon with two right angles look like?

It looks like a square with a triangle on top of it.

What polygon has two right angles and five sides?

An irregular pentagon is a polygon that has five sides and two right angles. A regular polygon on the other hand does not have right angles.

What is a3 sided polygon with 2 sides and 2 equal angles?

Right triangle. Two angles are 45 degrees, and the third angle is 90 degrees. Two sides are equal.

What does a rectangle must equal?

A rectangle is a four sided polygon with four right angles and two pairs of parallel side. [Equal sides is not required since it is implied by parallel and right angles].

In a parallelogram are all angles right?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral (four-sided polygon) with two pairs of parallel sides. By definition, a parallelogram does not need to have all right angles. Think of rhombuses, which do not have any right angles, yet are parallelograms. Therefore, the answer is no.