7 foot circumference X 12 inches/foot = 84 inches in circumference
about 12.57 inches
== == Given that the circumference of the earth is 40,075.02 km (measured at the equator) the circumference in inches is roughly 1,577,756,664 inches.
4.842519685039370078740157480315 inches
The circumference is 53.41 inches.
circumference (C) = 2piR = Two x Pi x Radius Pi = 3.14.... R= C/2pi if C = 628 R = 628/ 2 (3.14...) R= 99.949 cm
Well, honey, if the circumference is 72.22 inches, then the radius is 72.22 / (2 * π) ≈ 11.5 inches. And if you want to know the area of a circle with that radius, it's π * (11.5)^2 ≈ 415.62 square inches. Math doesn't have to be boring, darling!
7 foot circumference X 12 inches/foot = 84 inches in circumference
about 12.57 inches
== == Given that the circumference of the earth is 40,075.02 km (measured at the equator) the circumference in inches is roughly 1,577,756,664 inches.
The circumference is 9.42 inches.
The circumference is about 26.7 inches.
It has a circumference of 917.35 inches.
The circumference is 21.99 inches.
4.842519685039370078740157480315 inches
The circumference is 53.41 inches.
A circumference of 11.88 inches.