

What is a 75 grade?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is a 75 grade?
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What is your grade test are 75 percent of average and Assignments are 25 percent your test grade average is a 57 and your assignment grade is a 75?

If Your test grade avearge is 57 and your assignment grade is 75 and the test grade counts for 75% and asignment 25%, then your grade is .75 (57) + .25(75) = 61.5

If you missed 3 questions out of 12 what is your grade?

12 - 3 = 9 questions correct9/12 = 0.75 which = 75%

What grade is a 75?

A grade of 75 is typically equivalent to a C in most grading systems. It signifies an average level of performance.

What grade is 75 percent out of 1520?

75% of 1520 is 1140.

What is 75 percent out of a 100 percent?

75% out of 100% is 75/100 or .75. In grade terms is a C.

Is 75 a good or bad grade as a whole comulative average GPA?

A 75 is neither a good or a bad grade as a whole cumulative average GPA. A 75 would be an average grade. In a A, B, C, D, and F grading system, a 75 would be a C.

What grade is 49 out of 75?

49/75 x 100 = 65%

What is your grade if you get 90 out of 120?


What is a 75 in a letter grade?

A 75 on the percentage scale is considered a C grade. This grade is neither good nor bad, it's average. On the GPA scale it is a 2.0.

What grade is 150 out of 200 points?

if you get a 150 out of 200 then you will a 75% which is a C average

How do i average my grade when my grade is an 82 and my final was a 73 and the final is worth 25 what is my final grade?

If final is 25% of grade and your average was 82 before final that part is 75%. So we have (.75(82) + .25 (73)) = 80

What is your grade for 60 out of 75 questions?
