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Q: What is a 7 sided shape called in 3D?
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What is a 7 sided 3d shape is called?

A 2D seven sided figure is called a heptagon. A 3D seven faced polygon is called a heptahedron.

What is a 7 sided shape in Canada called?

it is called a seven sided shape in Canada

What a 7 sided shape?

A 7-sided polygon is called a heptagon.

What is a 7 sided shape name?

A 7 sided shape is called a heptagon.

57 sided shape?

The name for a 57 sided shape is derived by combining the name for a 50 sided shape with the name for a 7 sided shape. A 57 sided shape is called a pentacontaheptagon.

What is a shape w 7 sides called?

A 7 sided shape is a heptagon.

3d shape with 7 faces?

You can have a 3d shape with any no of sides 3d only means there are three measure needed to calculate volume, or in other words you can pick it up and touch it. These three measurements are width, depth and height. If the faces all had to be of the same area and flat there might not be a 7 sided 3d shape (or a regular one at least) there can always be a n-sided non-irregular shape even a 1,253,703-sided irregular shape is theoretically possible.

A 7 sided shape is called?

a heptagon.

What is a irregular 7 sided shape called?

All 7 sided shapes are called heptagons.

What is a 7 faced shape called?

A seven-sided shape (polygon) is called a heptagon.

What is a 2D 7 sided shape called?

Its called a HEPTAGON

What do you call a three dimensonal shape which 7 or 8 sides?

well if you take octagon (8 sides) , in 3d shapes octagon is probably called octagonal prism. and the sides are actually called faces. AND a 7 sided shape , a heptagon, is called heptagonal prism