A centisecond is a unit of time equal to one hundredth of a second. An example of a centisecond would be the time it takes for a hummingbird to flap its wings once, which is typically around 12-80 centiseconds depending on the species. In scientific experiments or measurements requiring precise timing, centiseconds can be a useful unit for capturing brief moments with greater accuracy than whole seconds.
centisecond is longer
A centisecond.
10 milliseconds (a hundredth of a second) are called a centisecond. 1/100 seconds
I assume 1/100 because 1/1100 I have never heard of. 1/100 would be a centisecond.
1 second = 100 centiseconds. To help you remember, 1 meter = 100 centimeters and centi- anything is the same.
A centisecond. A centisecond.
centisecond is longer
A centisecond is equal to 0.01 seconds. Therefore, a long centisecond would not be a standard measurement of time.
There are .01 seconds in one centisecond, just as there are .01 meters in a centimeter. The prefix centi implies 10^(-2) multiplied by the value in the standard SI unit.
A centisecond.
A centisecond is bigger than a microsecond. There are 10 centiseconds in 1 millisecond, whereas there are 1000 microseconds in 1 millisecond.
centisecond = cs millisecond = ms 1cs = 10ms 0.05ms x 1cs/10ms = 0.005cs The 0.05cs is larger than the 0.05ms.
One hundredth of a second is called a centisecond, though the term is rarely used. It can also be expressed as 1 over 100, or 0.01.
A centisecond is one hundrunth of a second. 2. a millisecond
1/100 I assume you mean. This is a centisecond
I assume you mean 1/100. This would be a centisecond