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Q: What is a Characteristic of Constant?
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What is characteristic gas constant?

"Characteristic Gas Constant"The constant 'R' used in the characteristic gas equation PV=RT , has a constant value for a particular gas and is called 'Characteristic gas constant' or 'specific gas constant' . Its value depend upon the temperature scale used and the properties of the gas, under consideration.The value of R will be.For atmospheric pressure air,R= 287 J/kg/k

What are the common characteristic between simultaneous linear equations in 2 unknowns which have no solutions?

The coefficients and constant in one of the equations are a multiple of the corresponding coefficients and constant in the other equation.

What are the factors on which hall coefficient depends?

It is a characteristic of the material from which the conductor is made, and its value depends on the type, number, and properties of the charge carriers that constitute the current. so it will remain constant for a particular material.....

Characteristic impedance of coaxial feeder proportional to its length inversely proportional to its length or constant to its length?

The characteristic impedance of a coaxial feeder doesn't depend on its length.The number is printed on the jacket of the cable, and applies equally to a1-meter section or a 500-meter section.The effective impedance of a coaxial feeder depends on its length if it's not terminatedin the characteristic impedance. The relationship is not a simple proportion, and thisimpedance is a complex quantity.

When you see that a ball is red you are observing a of the ball?

You are observing a characteristic or property of the ball.You are observing a characteristic or property of the ball.You are observing a characteristic or property of the ball.You are observing a characteristic or property of the ball.

Related questions

What is characteristic gas constant?

"Characteristic Gas Constant"The constant 'R' used in the characteristic gas equation PV=RT , has a constant value for a particular gas and is called 'Characteristic gas constant' or 'specific gas constant' . Its value depend upon the temperature scale used and the properties of the gas, under consideration.The value of R will be.For atmospheric pressure air,R= 287 J/kg/k

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Waves and whirlpools show the ocean is in constant motion.

What characteristic of oceans shows that they are in constant motion?

Waves and whirlpools show the ocean is in constant motion.

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Characteristic properties.

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Composition would remain constant.

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plato (B: maintains a constant temperature)

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Composition would remain constant.

What characteristic of water contributes to the relatively constant temperatures of the oceans?

High Specific Heat

What is the difference between universal gas constant and characteristic gas constant?

The Universal gas constant is R is independent of the gas taken.. While the Characteristic gas constant depends on the mol. mass of the gas.... The Characteristic gas constant of a gas or a mixture of gases is given by the molar gas constant, divided by the molar mass (M) of the gas/mixture. R(Characteristic) = {R}/{M} Well,this is just the basic...u can relate them both to the Boltzmann constant.. Here are some of the standard values for both: Values of R Units 8.314 472(15) J K−1 mol−1 0.082057 46(14) L atm K−1 mol−1 RChar for dry air Units 287.058 J kg−1 K−1 ok,i guess this is it!Hope this clears it...

What is the important characteristic of uniform circular motion?

The important characteristic of uniform circular motion is that the speed of the object remains constant throughout its motion, while its direction continuously changes. This means that the object moves at a constant speed around the circular path.

What is the characteristic ability of a material to conduct electricity and is constant for any given material?

That is called conductivity.

What are the common characteristic between simultaneous linear equations in 2 unknowns which have no solutions?

The coefficients and constant in one of the equations are a multiple of the corresponding coefficients and constant in the other equation.