In a cesarean section, an incision made vertically along the uterus; this kind of incision makes a larger opening but also creates more bleeding, a greater chance of infection, and a weaker scar
An incision is a cut into an object, and pentagonal means five sided, so a pentagonal incision would be a five sided cut into an object.
2.b Classical Music
lynch incision or lateral incision
A vertical incision is called a transverse or Pfannenstiel incision depending upon the procedure.
Most of the time the incision will be located inside the nose and will not be visible. The size of the incision is small.
This may hurt a bit; I'm going to make a small incision in the back of your hand.
The base word of incision is incise.The surgeon had to incise the wound. The incision later began to heal nicely.
Supra means abonve and clavicle is collar bone. Supraclavicle incision is an incision above the collar bone.
it is a incision for appendicectomy , similar to right paramedian and difference is rectus muscle is retracted medially in battle incision.
depth of the incision
an incision.horizontally (the "bikini incision") across the pubic hairline.
The suffix that means incision (cutting into tissue) is "-otomy." For example, a thoracotomy is an incision into the chest wall.
Thoracotomy means surgical incision of the chest or thorax. A incision into the chest is done with two different methods. A incision into the front of the chest is known as a Median Sternotomy. This is usually the incision used for cardiac bypass, valve replacement, etc. A incision into the side of the chest is known as a Thoracotomy.
Incision uses the suffix otomy.