Department of Corrections, USA. It is a number that can identify an offender
If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.
The mean of a number is the same as the number.
what mean invice number
A number means that it is 6
The mean of a single number is the number itself!
Department of Corrections
Doc file extension is short for document
Department of Corrections
animal document
jail time with supervision
Dnt no
It means to teach.
jail time with supervision
it means to teach
The prefix doc means to teach. Some of the example words that use this prefix include docile, doctor, doctrine, and document.
you can't
Maybe hormones...see a doc.