

What is a Rasic Chart?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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A RASIC Chart is an analysis of a business process and the people/ roles involved in the process. For each person/role the RASIC Chart indicates whether the person/role is responsible (R), approves (A), supports (S), informs (I) or consults (C) in the particular process step.

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Embedded Chart

Where is a chart displayed in Excel?

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What is a k chart?

A k chart is a Chart with a K.

Explain chart type chart tools and chart layout?

Chart types include ones like bar, pie, column, XY etc. Chart Tools include all the different categories of tools that you can use when working on a chart. Chart Type and Chart layout would be part of the Chart Tools. Chart layout is about how the chart looks, like what titles are on it, settings for the axis, legends and their positions on the chart etc.

Where can you place a data label in an Excel chart?

Data labels appear on charts. If your right click on an item in a chart, such as a bar or a pie or a line, you can choose Format Data Series and then you can choose Data Labels. You have a choice of various types of data labels to put in, such as the actual value or the percentage.

Is a bar chart a sparkline?

No. A sparkline is a chart confined to a single cell. There is a column chart form of sparkline and also a line chart form, but not a bar chart form. A bar chart is a chart with horizontal bars and is one of the standard types of chart available in Excel.