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Q: What is a Sabre with a curved blade called?
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Scimitar (arabian), Sabre( european- chinese), Curved Cutlass (european), Butterfly swords (chinese), Katana (japan). Which one?!

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It is called an Épée or a Rapier, in the time of the story it where called an Sabre. The Sabre is offen compared to the curved sword. But the original Sabre was developed as a cavalry weapon, which was used when fighting from horseback. This Sabre have no sharp edges and even the end was blunt. It was commonly used to hit with the full length of the blade. This creates more of the classic "swish" and sweeping movement.

Which language did Sabre come from?

Sabre originated from the French word "sabre," which was derived from the Hungarian word "szablya." The term has been used in various languages, including English, to refer to a type of sword with a curved blade and a guard.

What is a curved Sabre?


What is a fencing blade?

There are three types of fencing swords each with different rules : Foil, Eppe and Sabre. The blade of a foil is called a "Foil blade"The blade of an eppe is called an "Eppe Blade"Etc

Are light sabers real?

No, lightsabers are fictional weapons from the Star Wars universe. They are commonly seen in movies, TV shows, and video games but do not exist in real life.

What is a curved saber?

A curved saber is a type of sword with a curved blade that originated in Central Asia and the Middle East. It is known for its slashing ability due to the curve in the blade, which allows for more powerful cuts in combat. The curved shape of the saber also helps with fluid and efficient movements in fencing.

What is a sabre saw and how is it used in woodworking projects?

A sabre saw is a power tool used in woodworking to make curved or straight cuts in various materials such as wood, metal, or plastic. It has a reciprocating blade that moves back and forth rapidly, allowing for precise and controlled cutting. Woodworkers use sabre saws to cut intricate shapes, curves, and patterns in their projects.

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What is a sword with a curved blade called?

Entirely depends on the nation and the type of sword.the Japanese curved blades are called wakizachi, katana, and no-dachi respectively for a short, normal length, and extra long version respectively.A chinese curved sword is commonly called the daoon the indian subcontinent, the Talwar is curved, while in afghanistan, the Pulwar is of the same basic shape.In the middle east, the shamshir, also commonly called a scimitar was curved, as were the kilij and saif. It may be noted at this point that the image of the "curved arabic scimitar vs the straight knightly sword" during the Crusades is in fact myth; the arabic swords of the medieval age were in fact straight. The first curved islamic swords appear among the mamluks in the 14th century, long after the crusades ended.In eastern europe, the hungarian or Avar sabre was commonly western europe, many falchion were likewise curved swords, as were the later cavalry sabre and cutlass.(A number of african and indonesian sword types also existed with curved forms, but I'm afraid I cant give names for them.)Original answer:A samurai sword

What are sickles?

A tool that has a curved blade and a small handle.