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Probarbly a test which tests the way you speak.


- Your pronunciation is correct.

- Your tone.

- You hem and haw(hestitation).

- Creative thinking (when they ask you questions.).

- Understanding (if they ask questions.).

Generally, anything related to speaking.

at my school, we have PALS ( P- Assessment for Language Students) for the foreign language students. basically, we go to class and are given a few minutes to just review material. then we are given a number that will tell us the order. the teacher gives the first person a sheet with the task and that person has one minute to write down everything that's relevant to the task. then he takes the first person and gives person number two the task sheet while person number one is speaking for a minute about the given task then number two speaks while number three prepares then number three speaks while number four prepares and so on. we are graded based on:

-task completion

-comprehensibility (when you speak to the teacher, can they understand what you're trying to say)



-vocabulary (wide range or narrow)

-language control (are you saying the words in the format that the teacher wants)

hope that helps you


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