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Q: What is a anniversary of 175 years called?
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What is a 175 year celebration called?

Demisemiseptcentennial or quartoseptcentennial - 175 years

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Wooden anniversary

What is the name of a 175 year anniversary?


What is the word for 110th anniversary of an organization?

There is actually no name for a 110th anniversary. 100 years is called a Centennial, and 125 years is called Quasquicentennial. Your welcome! -Ari

How many years of marriage is the silver anniversary?

25 years

What is a 500 years anniversary celebration called?


What is 100 years anniversary called?

99 1/2 years of misery

What is a 25 year anniversary called?

It is called silver or silver year.

What is 10 years anniversary called?

The 10th wedding anniversary is traditionally aluminum/tin, the modern symbol is diamond jewelry.

Do you have a list of jubilees celebrated by the queen?

The anniversaries marked as "Jubilees" are: 25 years - Silver jubilee 50 years - Golden Jubilee 60 years - Diamond Jubilee 70 years - Platinum Jubilee Just for grins, I thought you might enjoy seeing the full list of anniversaries, whether designated as a jubilee or not. Here they are: 1 year is a paper anniversary 2 years is a cotton anniversary 3 years is a leather anniversary 4 years is a linen anniversary 5 years is a wood anniversary 6 years is an iron anniversary 7 years is a wool anniversary 8 years is a bronze anniversary 9 years is a copper anniversary 10 years is a tin (or aluminium) anniversary 11 years is a steel anniversary 12 years is a silk anniversary 13 years is a lace anniversary 14 years is an ivory anniversary 15 years is a crystal anniversary 17 years is a turquoise anniversary 18 years is a lapis anniversary 20 years is a china (porcelain) anniversary 25 years is a Silver Jubilee or silver wedding anniversary 30 years is a pearl anniversary 35 years is a coral (or jade) anniversary 40 years is a ruby anniversary 45 years is a sapphire anniversary 50 years is a Golden Jubilee - not to be confused with the 'golden birthday' (not at a fixed age) 55 years is an emerald anniversary 60 years is a Diamond Jubilee 65 years is a blue sapphire anniversary 70 years is a Platinum Jubilee. 75 years is a diamond wedding anniversary 80 years is an oak wedding anniversary wiki/anniversary

What is called completion of 75 years?

A Diamond Jubilee [ or anniversary for a marriage] .

How do you call 25th years celebration?

Celebrating 25 years of marriage is called the Silver Anniversary.