

What is a atomic mass of lead?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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9y ago

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Lead is a metal element. Atomic Mass of it is 207.

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Q: What is a atomic mass of lead?
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What is the atomic mass of lead?

The atomic mass of lead (Pb) is approximately 207.2 atomic mass units.

What is the number of atomic mass in lead?

Lead is a meta element. Atomic mass of it is 207.

What is the atomic mass for one atom of lead?

Lead is a non element. Atomic mass of it is 12.

What is the lead mass?

Lead (Pb) has the atomic number 82 with an Atomic Mass of 207.2 amu.

Which has a lower atomic mass lead or cobalt?

Cobalt has a lower atomic mass than lead. The atomic mass of cobalt is approximately 58.93 g/mol, whereas the atomic mass of lead is about 207.2 g/mol.

Which atomic mass is smaller cobalt or lead?

Cobalt (Co) has a smaller atomic mass than Lead (Pb). Cobalt's atomic mass is only 58.9332 while lead's is 207.2.

What is the atomic mass of Pb?

The atomic mass of lead (Pb) is approximately 207.2 atomic mass units.

Which element has the atomic mass of 207.20?

The element with an atomic mass of 207.20 is lead (Pb).

What is the mass and atomic number of 206Pb?

The mass of 206Pb is approximately 205.97446 atomic mass units, and its atomic number is 82.

What one has more mass an atom of gold or lead?

An atom of lead has more mass than an atom of gold. This is because lead has a greater atomic mass than gold, due to the larger number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a lead atom compared to a gold atom.

What is the relative atomic mass of lead?

The element lead consists of four naturally occurring isotopes with atomic masses 203.97302, 205.97444, 206.97587, and 207.97663 . The relative abundances of these four isotopes are 1.4, 24.1, 22.1, and 52.4%, respectively.

What is the mass number lead?

The mass number of lead varies depending on the isotope. The most common isotope of lead, lead-208, has a mass number of 208.