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Q: What is a bar that turns around a fixed point?
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What bar that turns around a fixed point called fulcrum?

That's known as a lever.

A bar that turns on a fixed point?

A lever.

What does a bar that turns around a fixed point mean?

The bar is a rigid straight finite object that is attached to one fixed point. The bar can be moved but the point where it is attached must stay where it is. In theory, therefore, the bar can be rotated around that fixed point in any direction. At the level of mathematics that your question suggests, the bar is movable in only one plane.

What is a machine called that has a bar that turns on a fixed point?

A machine with a bar that pivots around a fixed point is called a lever. Levers are simple machines that can be used to lift or move objects by applying force on one end of the bar.

What is a stiff bar that moves around a fixed point?

A lever.

What is a bar called that can pivot or turn around a fixed point?

A lever

What is the point at which the pry bar pivot at?

The point at which the pry bar pivots is called the fulcrum. It is the fixed point around which the pry bar rotates to exert force on an object.

Is a wrench a lever or wedge?

They are both simple machines. Lever- is a solid bar that rotates, or turns, around a fixed point. The bar can be straight or curved. The fixed point is called the fulcrum. wedge- is a simple machine that has a thick end and a thin end. Wedges are used to cut, split, or pierce objects- or hold objects together. It is a type of inclined plane, but inclined planes are stationary, while wedges often move to do work.

What is a bar that moves on a fixed point?

just a ****ing bar

What is a bar that pivots on a fixed point?

A lever.

A bar that is free to pivot about a fixed point is a?

Fulcrum * * * * * The fulcrum is the fixed point. The bar is a lever. Admitedly, it would help if questions were asked properly.

A lever is defined as?

A lever is a simple machine consisting of a rigid bar that pivots around a fixed point called a fulcrum. It is used to amplify force or create motion by applying pressure at one end of the bar. Levers are commonly used in various tools and equipment to make tasks easier.