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Q: What is a base and exponent and an example?
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What is the base of an exponent?

The base of an exponent is the main number. For example in 56 the number 5 is the base and 6 is the exponent.

What is the definition of base number?

A base number is the value to the power of the exponent. For example, in 2^4, 2 is the base number and 4 is the exponent.

Definition of Base as math term?

The base number is the the number that is being repeatedlymultiplied in exponent problems. Example: 32 _ three is the base and two is the exponent

What is an example of a base in math?

72 7 1s the base,and two is the exponent

What is the exponent and base for 262144?

The two are related. The answer could be base 2, exponent 18 or base 8, exponent 6 or base 10, exponent 5.4185 or base 262144, exponent 1 or base 68,719,476,736 and exponent 0.5

What does a negative exponent show?

A negative exponent indicates division by the base. For example: 8 -3 = 1/(83)= 1/672

What is the base and exponent for 121?

You can choose the base to be any number (other than 0, -1 and 1) and calculate the appropriate exponent, or you can choose any exponent and calculate the appropriate base. For example, base 10: 121 = 10^2.08278537 (approx) Or exponent = 10: 121 = 1.615394266^10 (approx). I expect, though, that the answer that is required is 121 = 11^2.

What is the base and exponent of 4²?

4 is the base, 2 is the exponent.

What has a base and a exponent?

10x 10 is Base & x is exponent

Which number is the exponent and which is the base?

If you have ab then a is the base and b the exponent

What is the base and exponent of 121?

The base could be 11 and the exponent 2, giving 112 But, it could equally be base = 14641, and exponent = 0.5, or base = 10, and exponent = 2.082785 (approx)

What is an exponent of 18?

A number does not have an exponent in isolation. It has an exponent in the context of a base. The same number can have different combinations of base and exponent. For example, 64 = 8^2 or 4^3 or 2^6. A base cannot be zero but usually it is restricted to positive real numbers. In higher mathematics, the most common base is the irrational (even transcendental) number e = 2.71828...