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CPU's vary

For example, a 6502 processor has instructions liks ADC (add with carry), CMP (compare), CPX (Compare A with X) and CPY (Compare A with Y)

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Q: What is a basic set of commands permanently built into the CPU chip to perform fundamental operations such as comparing or adding two numbers?
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Is a process of carrying out the commands?

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SINGLEPLAYERReferring to slash '/' commands, they only work if the created work has commands enabled. This can be changed by editing the save world file.Note: When creating a survival mode world, "cheats," as they are called in-game, are initially disabled. Hardcore mode, however, has "cheats" permanently disabled.MULTIPLAYERFor multiplayer servers, only certain slash commands will work depending on the privileges of the server. Normal users on vanilla servers can use basic commands (/me, /tell, /help), and OP's can use special commands (/give, /tp, /enchant). Modded servers have different privileges and more commands.

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The abbreviation RCAF stands for Royal Canadian Airforce, formerly Air Command (AIRCOM). It is one of three environmental commands of the Canadian Forces responsible for the air operations.

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SOCOM is the Army's special operations command. JSOC is the Joint Special Operations Command and encompasses all of the special ops units in the United States military, including those from Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Both commands are located at Ft. Bragg, NC.

What are the allstarscape commands?

Do ::commands