

What is a bevel?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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โˆ™ 10y ago

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A bevel is an angled, sloping edge - one which is not at a 90 degree angle.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 8y ago

A bevelment is a replacement of an edge by two similar planes, equally inclined to the including faces or adjacent planes.

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How do you bevel a countertop edge using a hand plane?

how to plane a countertop bevel edge The longer the edge the longer the plane you should use. this will help leave a consistent result. set the plane so that you are not taking more than a few thousandths of an inch off each stroke. hold the plane at a 45 degree angle to the surface (most common) and make long steady strokes till you achieve the depth of bevel you desire. Its also a good idea to scribe a light pencil line to indicate the bevel depth.

Which surface do you measure from when beveling pipe?

Get a piece of filler wire and put half it's length inside the top of the pipe, call it the x-axis. Bend the outer half of the wire straight up to a 90 deg. angle, call it the y-axis. The angle measured from this y-axis to the face of the bevel is the bevel angle. Put another way, measure from the perpendicular line relative to the length of pipe, to the bevel. Industry standard is a 37.5 deg bevel. Now keep your bent filler wire handy and use as a gauge to check bevel angle. The angle of the wire is 90 deg minus the 37.5 deg = 52.5 deg.

What does bevel do or mean in 3ds max?

If you have geometry, you can select a face or group of faces and bevel them, bevelling 'extrudes' the faces but then gives you the option to shrink or enlarge the selected face(s). An example of bevelling would be to take a cylinder of 2 units radius and 5 units high apply an edit mesh modifier, in polygon mode select the faces at one end and select bevel, extrude it 1 unit by clicking on the selected area and without unclicking, dragging the mouse until the extrude spinner says 1. Then release the mouse button and drag again until the bevel spinner says -1, click to finish. Next extrude the same distance but bevel out. Next extrude 7 units, then repeat the bevel in and out as before. next extrude by 5 units again. You then have a Christmas cracker! Hope that helps!