A binomial name is a scientific name at the rank of species with two terms, a generic name and a specific name.
Cynodon dactylon
Binomial. Binomial. Binomial. Binomial.
Binomial nomenclature is the modern system of naming. Binomial nomenclature means "two names." Every organism is assigned a two word name. The scientific name is the genus and species name. The names must be in Latin or Greek. The Genus is capitalized while the species is lower cased. For example, the Carolina Chickadee's scientific name (binomial nomenclature) is Parus carolinesis. "Parus" is the genus and "carolinesis" is the species name.
Genus and Species
The binomial name depends from the species;eg. Hirudo medicinalis is the binomial name of the European common leech.
The binomial name of vulture is Cathartidae.
Ciliate's binomial name is Paramecium.
The binomial name of groundnut is Arachis hypogaea.
Citrus limon is the binomial name for a lemon.
The binomial name for bees is Apis mellifera.
The binomial name of a tiger is Panthera tigris.
The binomial name for a coconut is Cocos nucifera.
The binomial name for the Blackfly is Simulium.
The binomial name of a mummichug is Fundulus heteroclitus.
The binomial name for a red ant is Solenopsis invicta.
Cymbopogon ciatrus is the binomial name for lemon grass.