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Q: What is a bottom chord of a bridge?
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What is the function of a bottom chord on a bridge?

the bottom chord is the bottom part of the bridge that holds everything in place.

The lowest note in a musical chord?

That is called the "base" of the chord. Try not to get this word confused with "root," which is the lowest note of the chord if it is in root position. Root position is when the chord is built up in thirds. Ex: C, E and G make up the C chord and the root of the chord "C" is also the base note. If this same C chord is mixed around so that G is the lowest note then higher in order is C and then E, then G would be the base note of the chord.

What size of lumber for bottom chord in 40 foot span?

4 x 8

What is the order of notes within a root position triad?

It means the root of the chord is the lowest note being played. If it's a C-major chord, the C is on the bottom.

What chord does c f and g sharp make if any.?

Respell the G-sharp as A-flat, then it's an F minor chord. If the C is on bottom, then it's Fm/C.

What does a chord look like in math?

When you draw a circle in math, and you draw a triangle inside of it, 2 of the lines should be the radius of the circle, and the third (bottom) line that is not the radius is the chord.

What is a neapolitan 6th in d major?

It would be an E-flat major chord, but with the G on the bottom.

How does a bridge reach static equilibrium?

the weight on top is equal to the resistance on the bottom of the bridge.

Where is the tension in the beam bridge?

bottom of the beam

What is the top chord of a bridge?

katia munoz and elizabeth are best friends lol i luv you eli :3 AKA: Tuenchi <3

Where is b6 on the guitar?

Fret the top four strings on the 4th fret (don't play the bottom two strings). Therefore the chord can be read as: xx4444. If you slide this chord up and down it remains a 6 chord. For example xx5555 is C6. xx7777 is D6 and so on.

What are the two types of stress a truss member can experience?

Compression or tension, the top chord will always experience compression and the bottom chord will always experience tension. The other members can experience either.