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If you are doing the Chicago Tribune crossword I think the answer is inflection point. Hope this helps!

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Q: What is a calculus calculation?
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How investend a new method of mathematical calculation called calculus?

Calculus was invented, or developed, independently by Newton and by Leibniz.

What was Albert Einstein's math?

Much of what Einstein did involved mathematical calculation that applied the Calculus.

He invented a new of mathematical calculation called calculus?

Issac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz invented the calculus and argued the rest of their lives over who had the priority in this invention.

What is the branch of mathematics called calculus concerned with?

odd geometric shapes and the calculation/manipulation of their areas.

Who invented a new method of mathematical calculation called calculus.?

Issac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz invented the calculus and argued the rest of their lives over who had the priority in this invention.

What is the definition of Calculus?

You might think of it as the study of instantaneous change. It is the study of limits, derivatives, integrals, and sums of infinite series. The word can also mean a system of calculation, such as with the predicate calculus, which is nothing more than symbolic logic.

Who is father of differential calculus?

The mathematician who formalised differential calculus and who is responsible for the notation in use today is Gottfried Leibniz. However, in has calculation of pi, Aristotle used the principle of convergent series and limits more than 2000 years earlier.

How do you use calculus in marine course?

Calculus can be used for many applications for marine purposes. It can be used for calculations of wear, temperature (e.g. using newton's law of cooling ect) or even calculation for control systems or stability of control systems ect.

Importance of calculus in business?

Some of the business applications are: (1) Finding the number of ouputs produced to maximize the profit. (2) Calculation of marginal revenue , marginal cost (3) Calculation of marginal average cost (4) Calculating elasticity of demand

Do you need to know calculus to become a programmer?

I've never had to use calculus. Ever. On the other hand I HAVE had to use lots of algebra, matrix transformations and trigonometry. 3D graphics is FULL of translational mathematics but it's all good fun. +++ I do not doubt your particular experience but it would depend on what your programmes are for. If the application involves a lot of heavy-going calculus then obviously you'd need to understand the subject of the calculation and the necessary calculus, and how to turn it into computer code.

How do you calculate the product rule?

The product rule is used in calculus when one is dealing with functions that are written as the product of other functions. The actual calculation will depend on the type and number of functions.

What is the importance of integral calculus in engineering?

Its importance is tremendous - it has many different applications. Some of the applications include calculation of area, of volume, moment of inertia, of work, and many more.