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Q: What is a chord of a circle which passes through the center of the circle?
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What is the name for a chord that passes through the center of a circle?

The chord that passes through the centre is the biggest chord in a circle and it is the diameter.

What is a cord that goes through the center of a circle?

A chord that passes through the center of a circle is its diameter.

A chord that passes through center of a circle is a?


A chord that passes through the center of a circle is?


Is a diameter always a chord in a circle?

Yes, a diameter is a chord that passes through the center of a circle.

How are a chord and a diameter alike?

A diameter is a chord that passes through the circle's center.

What is a chord that passes through the cent of a circle?

A chord is any line segment that connect two points of a circle. If a chord passes through the center of the circle it is called the DIAMETER of the circle. The diameter of any circle is the longest chord of that circle as well.

What do you call chord that passes through the center of a circle?


What is the name of a chord of that passes through the center of a circle?


All chords of a circle pass through the center of a circle?

Not true because only the largest chord passes through the center of a circle which is its diameter

What is a chord that passes through the center of a circlle?

diameter.The diameterAny cord that passes through the center of a circle is a diameter of that circle.Diameter

What is the diameter of a cirlce?

The length of a chord that passes through the center of a circle is the diameter of the circle.