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Q: What is a circorrhegma dodecahedra?
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What is a dodecahedra?

It is a 12 sided shape

Dodecahedron has triangular faces?

A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with 12 faces. There are 6,384,634 topologically distinct convex dodecahedra with 8 or more vertices. A hexagonal bipyramid, a dodecadeltahedron, a triakis tetrahedron are examples of dodecahedra all of whose faces are triangles. There are many more dodecahedra in which some, but not all, faces are triangles.

How many shapes does a dodecahedron have?

There are around 6.4 million topologically different convex dodecahedra, plus concave ones.

What is the collective term for dodecahedron?

There is no collectove term - such as a pod of dolphins. The plural is dodecahedra though most people will use dodecahedrons.

How may vertices's does an dodecahedron have?

A regular dodecahedron has 20 vertices. But there are other forms of dodecahedra. A rhombic dodecahedron, for example, has 14 vertices.

What polyhedral shapes occur in crystals?

In crystals, common polyhedral shapes include cubes, octahedra, and dodecahedra. These shapes are formed by the arrangement of atoms or ions within the crystal lattice structure.

What shape represents a dodecahedron?

A dodecahedron is a (simply connected) 3-dimensional shape with 12 polygonal faces. There are approx 6.4 million topologically different convex dodecahedra, plus concave ones.

What is a 3D dodecagon?

There is no 3D dodecagon. A dodecahedron is a 3D shape with 12 polygonal faces. There are 6,384,634 topologically distinct convex dodecahedra. The best known is made up of 12 regular pentagons.

Is dodecahedron triangular shape?

No, a dodecahedron is a 3-dimensional shape. Some of the 6.4 million topologically distinct dodecahedra have only triangulat faces, there are many more in which some faces, but not all, are triangular.

What is the other name for dodecahedron?

A dodecahedron is a generic term which describes a 3-dimensional shape with 12 polygonal faces. There are approx 6.4 million topologically different convex dodecahedra plus concave ones. So there are potentially 6.4 million names!

How many vertices does dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron is a generic term which describes a 3-dimensional shape with 12 polygonal faces. There are approx 6.4 million topologically different convex dodecahedra plus concave ones. They can have 8 to 20 vertices and 18 to 30 edges.

How many vertices are in a dodecahedron?

A dodecahedron is a generic term which describes a 3-dimensional shape with 12 polygonal faces. There are approx 6.4 million topologically different convex dodecahedra plus concave ones. They can have 8 to 20 vertices and 18 to 30 edges.