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Q: What is a closed or open sentence in math?
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What is a closed sentence in math?

When an equation is closed with paranthesis or brakets

When does registration for world math day open?

Registration has already closed for the 2009 World Math Day.

Why an open sentence always has at least one variable?

An open sentence is neither true nor false. It depends on the value of the variable. If you had 5=3 that would be a closed sentence which is false. If you had 5=5 that would be a closed sentence which is true. If you had x=3 then it is open to whether the x is a 5 or a 3.

What are the methods of collecting data in math?

questionnaires with boxes to tick open questions or closed questions

Is x plus 5 equals 7 an open sentence?

no it is a closed equation.

What is the locker problem answer?

i have to do this in my creative math class and i figured it out. the first locker will stay open. then there will be two closed. one open then four closed. one open the 6 closed one open 8 closed. it goes on like 2 4 6 8 so on and so on. but make sure between every closed one there is an open one.

Show me open and closed syllables?

"Show" is open, "and" is closed. O- is open, -pen is closed. "Closed" is closed.

What is open when its closed and closed when its open?

a construction site?

What is the opposite of closing?

The opposite of the adjective closed is open. The opposite of the verb closed is opened.

Is solo an open syllable or closed?

Both open syllables.

Is wiper a open or closed syllable?

Both closed syllables.

Is focus an open or closed Syllable?

One open, one closed.