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Q: What is a collection of data and information that is to be delivered to a specific audience?
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What is the definition of a informative speech?

An informative speech is a presentation that aims to educate or provide factual information to the audience about a specific topic. The main purpose is to enhance the audience's understanding of the subject matter. It should be well-researched, organized, and delivered in a clear and engaging manner.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of an informative speech?

Advantage: Informative speeches provide valuable information, educate the audience on a specific topic, and help clarify complex ideas. Disadvantage: They can sometimes be perceived as boring or dry if not delivered in an engaging manner, leading to audience disinterest.

Abbreviation for Specialised structured writing giving information for specific audience?

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What term refers to a collection of related information about a specific entity in a database?

A record refers to a collection of related information about a specific entity in a database. Each record typically contains fields that represent different attributes or properties of the entity being stored.

What are the four types of speeches?

Informative speeches provide information on a specific topic. Persuasive speeches aim to convince or motivate the audience to take action or change their beliefs. Entertaining speeches focus on entertaining and engaging the audience through humor, storytelling, or interesting content. Special occasion speeches are delivered for specific events or ceremonies, such as weddings, funerals, or award ceremonies.

What is the meaning of the word lecture?

A lecture is a formal talk given to an audience on a specific topic, often to impart knowledge or information. It is typically delivered by an expert in the field and can be part of an educational or informative context.

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What is a searchable organized collection of information?

A database is a searchable organized collection of information that is typically stored and accessed electronically. It allows for efficient data retrieval, storage, and management, making it easier to find specific information quickly.

Can a collection agency disclose personal information to a co-borrower?

It depends on the specific circumstances and the jurisdiction in which the collection agency operates. In some cases, the collection agency may be permitted to disclose personal information to a co-borrower if the co-borrower is legally entitled to that information. However, collection agencies must comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations, so it is necessary to review the specific laws in your jurisdiction to determine the permissibility of such disclosures.

What do you call a formal speech?

A formal speech is often referred to as an address or a discourse, delivered by a speaker on a specific topic to an audience. It is typically prepared in advance and follows a structured format.

When analyzing the audience situational information refers to?

Situation information when analyzing an audience refers to the specific circumstances or context in which the audience will receive your message. This includes factors such as the physical environment, timing of the message delivery, the audience's mindset, and any external influences that may affect their reception of the message. Understanding these situational factors can help tailor your message to be more effective for the audience.

What is the context of a speech?

The context of a speech refers to the circumstances and situation in which the speech is delivered, including the audience, purpose, setting, and occasion. Understanding the context is important for tailoring the message to suit the specific needs and expectations of the audience. It helps to make the speech more effective and impactful.