When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators, it is necessary to find a common denominator to solve the equation. A common denominator is like a common multiple, except its function is as the bottom number in a fraction.
multipy the whole number by the denometer, then add that number to your numerator. now that is your numerator and your denomater stays the same.
wat yhuh do is multipy 2 by 1 and add 4 and put the denometer back at the bottom and your answer is 6-2ex. 41 -2
OK, SO divied 15 by 45. ___ ___ 15 over 45 equals 0.333 with the threes recurring. I got this because 15/45 reduces to 1/3 and 1 divided by 3 is 0.333 with the threes recurring.. The line in between the numerator (the number on the top) and the denometer (the number on the bottom) means "divide", so 1/2 is really 0.5 because 1 divided by 2 is 0.5 Hope this helps
Well you have to simplify which means to see what the num. that goes into both nums. witch in this case is 2. 2 into 4 is 2 so 2s your numerator (top) and 2 goes into 18 9 times so the denometer (bottom) is 9. Remember what num. goes in the 2 nums. evenly (it has to be the same num. for both) divide it thensee if it can go again . zIf so repeat with these nums.,m and it CAN go twice.
A few synonyms for common denominator are , common divisor, common measure, denominator, numerator
Their product.
Divide both sides by the lowest common denometer which in this case is 2. So 10/12 = 5/6
multipy the whole number by the denometer, then add that number to your numerator. now that is your numerator and your denomater stays the same.
wat yhuh do is multipy 2 by 1 and add 4 and put the denometer back at the bottom and your answer is 6-2ex. 41 -2
yes one third is bigger than one ninth... if you multiply the numerato by the numerator and the denominator by the denometer one third is equivalent to 3/9
22 divided by 15 18 divided by 12 whichever number is higher is the answer 22x4=88----18x5=90------you have to find the common denometer which i chose to be 60 (60 minutes in an hour) so 15x4==60 -----and 12x5=60 . ----then you multiply 22x4 ====and 18x5 and dusty is the most productive by 2 items
OK, SO divied 15 by 45. ___ ___ 15 over 45 equals 0.333 with the threes recurring. I got this because 15/45 reduces to 1/3 and 1 divided by 3 is 0.333 with the threes recurring.. The line in between the numerator (the number on the top) and the denometer (the number on the bottom) means "divide", so 1/2 is really 0.5 because 1 divided by 2 is 0.5 Hope this helps
Common ground Common sense Common stock Common sense? More? common factor common denominator like a common criminal common law husband/wife a common occurrence common knowledge common practice for the common good a common cause nothing in common common theme common thread common problem
The word lady is a common
No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.No. It is a common way to have it.