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When two numbers are added the sum is the same regardless of the order of the addition. For example 4+2=2+4

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It is something which belongs to a commune or community.

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Q: What is a communicative property?
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Does the communicative property work with subtraction?

The answer is No I am homeschooled and this is a common question for homeschoolers

What is the communicative property of addition?

Idk do u know dat is y i asked r u a n**********

How can you use communicative property to find 5 times 4?

Commutative Property: 5 x 4 = 4 x 5 20 = 20

What is Communicative Property of Addition?

Commutative property: When two numbers are added, the sum is the same regardless of the order of the addends. For example 4 + 2 = 2 + 4

5 plus 6 equals 6 plus 5 is an example of what property?

Communicative Property of Addition. It is when two numbers are added and the sum is the same, regardless of their order.

How do I use the word communicative in a sentence?

i am communicative

What is the definition of communicative drill?

communicative drill

When was The Theory of Communicative Action created?

The Theory of Communicative Action was created in 1981.

Which property is illustrated in the example 29 x 15 15 x 29?

Because the products on each side of the multiplication side are being reversed, 29 x 15 = 15 x 29 demonstrates the communicative property of multiplication

Is communicative a noun an adjective or an adverb?

The word communicative is an adjective. It is related to the verb communicate and the noun communication.

What are communicative strengths and weaknesses?

Communicative strengths and weaknesses refers to how well or how poorly you communicate. Perhaps you are an excellent speaker but a poor writer; speaking would be your communicative strength while writing would be a weakness.

What is the verb for the adjective communicative?
