By speech
commutative means the order of the addition or multiplication doesn't change. * * * * * No, it does not. Communitive means of or belonging to a community.
it is the capacity to communite effectively with others through verbal and non verbal expressions. Persons who have a high degree of this can work effectively in groups. they notice and understand thing about other people such as their mood, facial expressions, posture, gestures, inner motivations, and persoanlity types.
A mercenary is a person who is hired to fight in a conflict, typically for monetary compensation rather than ideological or nationalistic reasons. Mercenaries are often experienced soldiers who offer their services to governments, private military companies, or other organizations.
It could be explained in only a few ways.The first way could be that a window or door is cracked open just a little and cold air would be coming in.The second reason is believed by religous people that have beliefs in the afterlife.Where it means that a dead person or relative is passing through your body to try and communite to you.That is in the afterlife world.However it is possible due to cases, studies and hauntings from ghost hunters that try to find proof of there researches.
Citizens Band. Generally referring to the 2 way radio system working on 27Mhz, which requires no exam or certification, for anyone to use. It was only introduced (begrudgingly) in the UK in 1981 and worked on a different set of 40 channels, in the 27Mhz band, separate from Europe and the USA. The UK government wanted to call it OC (Open Channel), but everyone still wanted to call it CB, as it had been in the states since WWII. You no longer need a licence to operate CB in the UK.
Technology is improving comptetiveness by giving better way to communite like sending sms, video sharing and giving online test for students and job seekers. Many companies like Codefire Technologies are providing online test which is available at codefire to check competitive skills of persons.