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Intraschool is within one school. Inter school among 2 or more schools.

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Q: What is a competition among more than one schools called?
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more competition for workplace and or awards and recognitions.

When two or more individuals or populations try to use the same resource such as?

It is called competiton.

Why are some schools so strict?

Good question. It's more common among private schools than public schools.

What does Interscholastic mean?

Interscholastic sports is defined as athletic competition between multiple academic institutions (or schools).

If more than one organism tries to use a resource at the same time in the same place is it called competition?

Yes, you are correct. It is called competition. Competition among members of the same species is known as intraspecific competition, while competition between individuals of different species is known as interspecific competition.Biologists typically recognize two types of competition: interference and exploitative competition.During interference competition, organisms interact directly by fighting for scarce resources.In exploitative competition, organisms interactindirectly by consuming scarce resources. In both these, death usually is a result.

What is an inter scholastic sport?

An interscholastic sport is a sport competition between two or more academic institutions or schools.

When two or more individuals or population try to use the same resource it is called?

its called competition

Is the plant competition more or less active among animals?

it is less because plants don't need to hide or anything

What is marketisation in education?

This is when schools become more business like. This could be competition; schools strive to get to the top of league tables, they want the best grades and results, and they try to provide the best facilities.

What is it called when more than one organism tries to use a resource at the same time?

This is called competition

Why is it possible for competition among firms to force down to capital intensive production?

It is possible for competition to force competitors into capital intensive production in order to compete. When a firm does this, they can gain a competitive edge over others in the industry and get more customers because their competition will have to charge more to cover the expenses.

What is a competition between countries to build more and larger weapons called?

Arms race