The constant variable is the one that does not change. The one that holds the same. It is also called the controlled variable an example will be that if you have bucket that you put cement on it and put something after it dried you can't change it.
The constant is the number; the variable is the letter.
The question is about an oxymoronic expression. A constant cannot be a variable and a variable cannot be a constant!
Constant variable
The opposite of the word "constant" is "variable".
The constant variable.
The constant is the number; the variable is the letter.
The question is about an oxymoronic expression. A constant cannot be a variable and a variable cannot be a constant!
Constant variable
A constant is not a variable at all, and none of its factors was a variable. It is constant.
The opposite of the word "constant" is "variable".
A constant is a variable that does not change. The correct term is constant variable.
Logic fault ---> no such thing as a constant variable (by axiom: def of variable) []
The definition of constant variable is a variable whose value cannot be changed once it has been assigned a value for an experiment. It is the variable held steady, or constant, for a specific experiment.
The factor that is kept constant in an experiment is called the controlled variable. It is important to keep this variable constant to accurately measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
By definition:a variable varies (changes) in valuea constant is constant (fixed) in value
The constant variable.
constant variable