a variable that can take on many different values, in theory, any value between the lowest and highest points on the measurement scale.
flowing or continous
Where it goes on for ever and there is no actual answer :)
continous variation
It is a continuous line graph.
Local Continous Replication (LCR) Cluster Continous Replication (CCR) StandBy Continous Replication (SCR)
a continous variable is one that can assume different values at each point, so if you were measuring height it could be 187.1, 187.2.. 187.8, but this can not be used for something such as measuring the amount of people in a family, because there can't be 3.4 people in a family. This is when discrete variable is used, this measures full numbers.
When you are talking about data that is not continous. When you are talking about data that is not continous.
what is continous fever
flowing or continous
Where it goes on for ever and there is no actual answer :)
The sound my wife makes when she is arguing.
the carbon cycle
continous improvement
continous variation