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Contrast is a synonym for difference.

Expected means when something can be easily predicted or you could assume this would happen.

Reality is when is something that could happen but doesn't really include predicting anything. It is more of using common sense to analyze something that could happen.

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Q: What is a contrast between what is expected and reality?
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Which phrase refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen?

The phrase that refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen is called "irony." Irony occurs when there's a difference between appearance and reality, or when the outcome is different from what was anticipated. There are different types of irony, including verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony, each involving different aspects of this contrast.

A contrast between what is expected and what is reality?

Contrast is a synonym for difference. Expected means when something can be easily predicted or you could assume this would happen. Reality is when is something that could happen but doesn't really include predicting anything. It is more of using common sense to analyze something that could happen.

A contrast between what is expected and what happens is called what?

A contrast between what is expected and what happens is called irony. Irony involves discrepancies between what is said and what is meant, or between what is expected and what actually occurs.

A contrast between what is expected and what actually happens?


A contrast between what is expected and what happens?

situational irony

What phrase refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen?

That concept is known as irony. It involves a discrepancy between expectation and reality, often manifesting in a situation that is the opposite of what one would expect.

What is A contrast between what is expected and what really happens?

Irony is a literary device that highlights this contrast between expectations and reality. It can take different forms, such as situational irony (where the opposite of what is expected occurs) or dramatic irony (where the audience knows something the characters do not). Through irony, writers can create humor, add depth to a narrative, or provoke deeper reflection on themes.

What is a contrast between what is expected and what actually exists or happens called?

This is called an incongruity, where there is a misalignment between what is expected and what actually occurs.

Contrast between expectation and reality?

Expectation is an attitude of hope. Reality is a quality of being actual or true

What is a special kind of contrast between appearance and reality?

I believe it is irony

What is the contrast between appearance and reality or what is expected and what actually happens.?


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