A conversion in speedball is when you bring the ball up to your hands using your foot. You can roll the ball up using your ankle. The ball cannot drop while being converted.
the conversion rate is 1000
The conversion factor is 0.1
The answer will depend on what conversion "that conversion" is. And since you have not bothered to share that critical bit of information, it is not possible to give a more helpful answer.
The conversion factor is 0.91
a conversion formula is a equation with two or more variables
The rules of Speedball go as followed. In Speedball there are two teams, the object of the game is for whoever is in possession of the ball to advance towards the opponent's goal line in an attempt to score a goal. In Speedball one uses a variety of techniques including kicking and dribbling, catching and throwing and punting and passing.
Speedball and soccer have similarities since the same type of ball is used in each game and is kicked across a field. However, players can pick up and throw the ball in speedball as well.
cuz he wanted to
Speedball refers to someone injecting the drug cocaine mixed with heroin, or morphine. It can cause a level of Euphoria, and then cause anxiety, and hypertension.
A Mexican speedball is a type of drug
Dye is one.