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It's called a proof

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Q: What is a convincing argument that logically shows why a conjecture is true is called a?
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What is A single conjecture that can be tested called?

It is a hypothesis.

What is it called to have an argument?

To have an argument called Debate

What is loop dialog?

Loop dialogue is also called circular argument. It is logically inconsistent and calls on itself as an authority to prove itself. Such would be; The bible is true because it says in the bible that the bible is true.

What is an example that shows a conjecture is not true called?


What is a mathematics statement believed to be true?

it is called a conjecture

What is a lawyer's closing argument called?

IT is called a closing argument

What is a conclusion made using inductive reasoning called?

a conjecture

A conclusion made by inductive reasoning is called a?

A conjecture

What type of argument starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion?

A deductive argument starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion. It involves moving from a premise that is universally accepted to a specific conclusion that logically follows from that premise.

A valid argument can have a false conclusion True or False?

True. A valid argument can have a false conclusion if the premises logically lead to that conclusion even though it is not true. Validity in logic refers to the structure of the argument, regardless of the truth or falsity of the premises or conclusion.

What is a dominant and controlling argument called?

A central argument is a dominant and controlling argument.

Name the rhetorical device that is based on the view called relativism that what is true for one is not true for another?

The rhetorical device is known as equivocation, where the meaning of a term changes subtly throughout an argument. This allows the speaker to present their case in a way that may seem convincing, but in reality, the argument depends on a shift in the meaning of a key term.