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Its a Mold a Cast is when a mold becomes filled in with hardened minerals

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Q: What is a copy of the shape of an organism?
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Related questions

What is a copy of an ancient organism shape?

A fossil.

A solid copy of the shape of the organism?

the answer is cast

What type of fossil is the solid copy of the shape of the organism?

a cast fossil

What is a copy of an ancient organisms shape called?

A replica or model of an ancient organism's shape is typically referred to as a fossil. Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms that provide valuable information about the past.

What is an organism that has a dominant and a recessive copy of a gene?

dogs have a dominant and a recessive copy of a gene

Why cast fossil and mold fossil found together?

Both copy the shape of its ancient organisms.a MOLD is a hollow area in sediment in the shape of an organism or part of an organism.a mold forms when the hars part of the organism,such as a shell,is buried in sediment.Later, water carrys dissolved minerals and sediment there,the result is a cast. A CAST is a solid copy of the shapes of organisms.a cats is the opposite of a mold.both mold and cast preserved details of the animals structure

What process produces an exact copy of the parent organism is?

Asexual reproduction is the process that produces an exact copy of the parent organism. This can occur through methods such as binary fission, budding, or fragmentation in various organisms.

How do you copy on incredibots?

Click the shape you want to copy and press C or the copy button.

If an organism is described as thin the description is of the organism's what?

The organism's body shape or physical appearance.

What is the master copy of an organisms genetic code?

The master copy of an organism's genetic code is stored in the nucleus of its cells as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). This DNA contains all the instructions needed for the organism to develop, grow, and function. It serves as the blueprint for making proteins and determining the organism's traits.

What is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an organism?


How does an organism gets its shape and size?

An organism's shape and size are determined by its genetic blueprint, which dictates how its cells divide, grow, and differentiate. Environmental factors also play a role in shaping an organism through processes like cell migration and tissue rearrangement. Additionally, physical forces within the organism and its surroundings can influence its shape and growth.