

Best Answer

Two possible options are:

  1. trapezoid - the correct term and
  2. trapezium - the name used by almost all English-speaking countries.
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Q: What is a different name for a trapazoid?
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What is another name for trapazoid?


What is the longest base of a trapazoid called?

There is no specific name.

Can a rombus be a trapazoid?

No because the properties of a rhombus are different to a trapezoid

How many right angles are on a trapazoid?

there are 0 right angles in a trapazoid

What is different between a parralellagram and a trapazoid?

A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid has only one.

How is a trapazoid different form a square?

All four sides of a square are of equal length. That is not true of a trapezoid.

What kind of shape is a trapazoid?

A trapezoid is a 4 sided quadrilateral that has a pair of parallel sides of different lengths

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Is a trapazoid a rhombus?

no it is not

Is a trapazoid a rectandle?

No, it is not.

Whats a trapazoid?

a shape