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Q: What is a discrete nodule of the liver?
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What is a subcentimeter solid hypoechoic thyroid nodule?

This is an ultrasound report that is saying that the thyroid that was scanned has a solid nodule that is just a little under 1/2 inch in diameter and doesn't show up as well compared to the surrounding tissue..

What plants does have root nodule?

they have got a root nodule

Who nodule is more dangerous hot nodule or cold nodule?

Only a doctor can order the tests to determine if any thyroid nodule is dangerous. A thyroid uptake scan will help your doctor determine if your thyroid is hot (active) or cold (inactive).

What is a singer's nodule?

A singer's nodule, also known as a screamer's nodule or a teacher's nodule, is a small, inflammatory or fibrous growth on the vocal cords. It typically occurs in people who constantly strain their voices.

What is a benign fatty and yellowish nodule?

A benign fatty yellowish nodule is called a tumor.

What do rabbits pancreas do?

In a few other species such as rabbits, there is no discrete pancreas, with pancreatic tissue being distributed within other nearby organs, such as the liver or spleen

What does it mean if a thyroid nodule is vascular?

There's blood supply inside of it not just leading to it

What do you call a small hard nodule on the body?

chancre is a term for a small hard nodule on body.

What does a isoechoic nodule with partial hypoechoic halo mean in a thyroid ultrasound?

What is Hypoechoic to Isoechoic Nodule

What is a description for lung nodule?

The term "lung nodule" is the most commonly used description for such medical conditions. A lung nodule is usually noncancerous and does not exceed three centimeters. Any growth beyond that is a mass rather than nodule and is more likely to be a cancer.

What is the relation between a nodule and a tumor?

A nodule more than 2 cm in diameter is called a tumor.

What is the medical term meaning yellow nodule or mass?

A xanthoma is a yellow nodule or mass. The plural is xanthomata.