If it was post-1964 it is worth ten cents, so long as you can get someone to recognize it as a dime. If it is pre-1965 and made out of silver, it is worth its silver content, worth up to around $1.85.
A US dime is worth either:ten penniestwo nickles
A dime is the slang for a US 10-cent piece.
A US dime is worth 10¢ (cents) or $0.10 See link below for currency converter.
no its not worth ten cents its worth a dime stupid actually a dime is worth 10 cents or 10/100 or a us dollar. so the stupid person who wrote the one above is wrong.
No. Sixpence is a British Commonwealth coin and is worth six Pennies. A Dime is a US coin and worth 10 cents.
What is 1912 dime worth
A circulated 1939 US dime is worth about $2.70. An uncirculated US 1939 dime is worth between $9.00 and $20.00.
A US dime is worth either:ten penniestwo nickles
a 1917 us dime is called a mercury dime. its not that rare so it is worth about a dollar
A dime is the slang for a US 10-cent piece.
A 1988 dime is worth 10 cents.
A dime is worth 1/10 of a US dollar, or equivalently, 10 cents.
A US dime is worth 10¢ (cents) or $0.10 See link below for currency converter.
no its not worth ten cents its worth a dime stupid actually a dime is worth 10 cents or 10/100 or a us dollar. so the stupid person who wrote the one above is wrong.
10 cents.
No. Sixpence is a British Commonwealth coin and is worth six Pennies. A Dime is a US coin and worth 10 cents.
It's a1897 Barber dime, in average condition is worth $2.00-$8.00 USD