A division equation in which the numerator is an integer multiple of the denominator.
Any equation that requires division by four ninths.
It is called a quotient.
Put the 'per' number in the denominator of the fraction.
Divide big # by little #.
A division equation in which the numerator is an integer multiple of the denominator.
How do you use division to solve a multiplication equation?Answer this question…
In mathematics the answer in a division equation is called the quotient.
Any equation that requires division by four ninths.
It is called a quotient.
Put the 'per' number in the denominator of the fraction.
There is no equation visible: just an expression.
Divide big # by little #.
property of divisiion
you can just use multilecation to do division The division POE (property of equality) Allows you to divide each side of an equation by the same number. If I were solving for x in this equation, I would use the division POE -2x = 4 /-2 /-2 x = -2