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Q: What is a event occurring every ten years called?
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What is occurring at two year intervals called?

An event occurring every two years is referred to as a biennial event. This pattern indicates that the event happens once every two years.

What are the names for events that occur every 5 years?

Quinquennial -Definition of QUINQUENNIAL. 1: consisting of or lasting for five years . 2: occurring or being done every five years - quinquennial noun - quin·quen·ni·al·ly ..

What is an event that happens every 100 years called?

Every 100 years is called a century, made up of 10 decades.

What is something that happens every ten years called?

decennial Occurring every ten (10) years. Also tenth anniversary

What does quadrennially mean?

When used as an adjective, it means occurring every, or last for, four years. As a noun, it references an event that occurs every four years. (see: )

What is a bicentenary?

A bicentenary is a 200th anniversary of a specific event.

How do you say every two years in one word?

Biennial means "occurring every two years," OR "lasting for two years." The word biannual can also mean "occurring every two years," although its most common meaning is "occurring twice a year."

Is there a word for every two years?

Biannual. Biannual can mean occurring every two years, OR occurring twice a year. Biennial, on the other hand, means only the former: occurring every two years.

What does quadannually mean?

It is meant to describe something occurring 4 times per year, or once per quarter. If you wanted to describe something occurring once every four years, you would say it is a quadrennial event.

What sporting event is held every 4 years that started in Greece?

those are called the Olympics

What is a short term change in climate occurring around the pacific ocean every 2 to 10 years called?

El Nino

What is the meaning of centenary?

Relating to, or consisting of, a hundred., Occurring once in every hundred years; centennial., The aggregate of a hundred single things; specifically, a century., A commemoration or celebration of an event which occurred a hundred years before.