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Q: What is a example for comparison in a sentence?
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What is an example of 'comparison' in a sentence?

Make a comparison of the life cycles of bugs and insects.

How can you inheritance as a sentence?

Example sentence - His inheritance was small in comparison to the size of the estate.

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word 'comparison'?

The car website gave me a side-by-side comparison.

Example of 3 degrees of comparison in a sentence?

To compare things we use " DEGREES OF COMPARISON. " there are 3 types of degrees, they are -: POSITIVE DEGREE , COMPARATIVE DEGREE and SUPERLATIVE DEGREE. for example -: he is as tall as his friend. [ positive sentence ] she is smarter than her friend. [ comparative sentence ] this is the tallest building in the town . [ superlative sentence ]

Can you end a sentence with than?

If you mean with "then", you can. But you can't end a sentence with "than", because it's a conjuction An Example of phrase with then: " It should be this way, then. " I

A good comparison for example?

give me example about comparison

What word in the sentence that follows suggest a comparison?

The word "like" suggests a comparison in a sentence.

Can you use provender in a sentence?

Yes you can and here is an example :Provender mills where comparison can be made with the local industrial tone.

What is an example sentence using simile?

Well a simile is a comparison using like or as. So, an example could be dumb as soap. Or slow like a snail.

What is a word ratio Examples please?

Ratio between two numbers is actually is the comparison between them. It is an example sentence for ratio.

But the regiment was a machine run down. The sentence above contains an example of which literary term?

The sentence contains a metaphor. The comparison of the regiment to a machine conveys the idea that it is worn out and inefficient.

What is this sentence an example of She hit the classroom like a hurricane?

That's a simile. A comparison of something to something else using the word "like" or "as".