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Q: What is a example of how numbers are used math?
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Where are real numbers used?

Real numbers are used everywhere. They are used in the work area, at home, and even in fiction. Real numbers, are a part of math, and math is everywhere.

Why are numbers used in Math?


What is example of subset in math?

The set of Rational Numbers is a [proper] subset of Real Numbers.

A symbol used for counting in math?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

What are two major differences between numbers used in math and numbers used doing physics?

There are no differences in the numbers.

What is the meaning of Real in math?

Real numbers are numbers that exist from negative infinity to positive infinity and everything in between. real numbers consist of every number you are used to. Imaginary numbers are numbers that aren't used in conventional math (such as i)

What is a real world example of a math base?

In Math, a base is the number of numbers used to describe the mathematical system. For example, a base 2 system is called binary and uses 0 and 1; a base 10 system is a decimal system, and uses the current standard of ten numbers ranged from 0 to 10.

How are odd numbers used in math?

Very carefully

What math is used in finance?

Fibonacci Numbers/ sequence

Examples of mathematical games?

There are many ways that math and numbers can be used in puzzles. A popular puzzle that uses math and numbers is Sudoku.

How is math used in Blackjack?

Math is a necessity for Blackjack, you must be able to add numbers quickly.

What do triangles have to do with math?

teehan's triangle is use in skip counting numbers like the example