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Q: What is a example of mutually beneficial?
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What is the adverb of mutual?

Mutually is the adverb form of the word "mutual".An example sentence with this word in it is: "the treaty was mutually beneficial to all those who signed it".

Are you interested in finding a sugar momma to text and potentially form a mutually beneficial relationship with?

No, I am not interested in finding a sugar momma for texting or a mutually beneficial relationship.

What do you call a mutually beneficial relationship between two living organism?

A mutually beneficial relationship between two biotic (living) organisms is called a symbiotic relationship.

How do you tell whether someone is right in something?

If what they do is wise. If what they do is harmless. If what they do is mutually beneficial.

What is symbotic?

if you mean symbiotic it is an interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association. for example a mutually beneficial relationship between two people or groups

What do you call a professional relationship that benefits both professionals involved?

A mutually beneficial professional relationship is often referred to as a symbiotic relationship where both professionals gain advantages or benefits from working together.

What is it called when the organism is not harmed nor benefited?

Nuetral. Saprophitic or if mutually beneficial, symbiotic.

During the Industrial Revolution a mutually beneficial relationship developed between industry and?


When is trade mutually beneficial for two countries?

comparative advantage between two countries

What are some example sentences using mutually?

War and peace are mutually exclusive.

What is the term applied to a mutually beneficial relationship that certain bacteria possess with their host is called?


Sentence with word mutualism?

Mutualism is the symbiotic interaction between different species that is mutually beneficial;