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Q: What is a example of proper units for expressing exposure rate?
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Which is an example of proper units for expressing exposure rate?


What is an example of proper units for expressing exposure rate?

An example of proper units for expressing exposure rate is microsieverts per hour (μSv/h). This unit is commonly used to measure the rate at which radiation is absorbed by an object or person over a specific period of time.

What are the units expressing force?

Force is measured by Newton. SI unit for that is N

What is the SI unit fro expressing the quantity?

There are different units for different quantities.

What units are best for expressing the density of a solid?


What is the importance of your choice of units in expressing the value of the ideal gas law constant?

If any other units are used, the value will be different. --Depending on the units you chose the value of the constant differs

What are the proper units of mass?

The kilogram.

What is the SI units for expressing quanities?

Meter (m), kilogram (kg), second (s), ampere (A) and so on.

What is the SI unit for expressing gravitation?

"Gravitation" doesn't really have units. Weight, which is the force experienced by an object due to gravity, is a force, so it's expressed in force units: newtons. A newton is a kilogram - meter per second squared expressed in SI base units.

What are all the proper units of mass liquid volume and solid volume?

Proper units of mass include grams (g) and kilograms (kg). Proper units of liquid volume include liters (L) and milliliters (mL). Proper units of solid volume include cubic meters (m^3) and cubic centimeters (cm^3).

Meaning of forty?

Four times ten; thirty-nine and one more., The sum of four tens; forty units or objects., A symbol expressing forty units; as, 40, or xl.

How many roentgens would one receive with an x-ray exposure of 0.02?

An exposure of 0.02 what? No units are given, so conversion to roentgens cannot be made.